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maternity dress
Mindful Birthing: Welcome


Mindfulness based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP)

This evidence based antenatal course prepares expectant couples for the psychological and physical experiences of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and being new parents.  A variety of mindfulness skills are practised within the class and these can be used both to manage the intense sensations of giving birth and the day to day experiences of caring for a new-born baby.

I offer a 9 week course, the Mind in Labour weekend retreat and bespoke 1:1 courses. If you are interested in doing the course and would like to know more , please contact me for a free no obligation meeting.

See below for further details.

Mindful Birthing: My Classes


Training the Mind, Body and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond

A Tower of Stones



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Weekend Retreat

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Buddha Statue
Yoga at Home


Private 1:1 sessions

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Mindful Birthing: Classes
Pregnant women sitting on mats touching their bumps



If you would like to know more about the courses I offer, please contact me for a free no obligation taster session or meeting.

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Mindful Birthing: About

Nancy Bardacke

Mindfulness practice, and the inner skills we cultivate through it, offers great potential to grow and nurture ourselves as we grow and nurture the next generation”

Mindful Birthing: Quote
Pebble Beach


Founder of MBCP

Nancy Bardacke is both an experienced midwife and mindfulness teacher and is currently working as an assistant clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Centre. Along with her colleague Dr Larissa Duncan they are researching the potential benefits of the course.  

She also works closely with her colleagues here in the UK, namely Dr Maret Dymmond who is based at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (Oxford University) and Dr Eluned Gold at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (Bangor University).

Mindful Birthing: About Me
Pregnant Woman by Birch


My enthusiasm for mindful birthing Mindfulness Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) and commitment to train as a course facilitator is based on my personal experience of using mindfulness whilst pregnant with my daughters.  Having practiced mindfulness for 17 years, I was curious to find out whether mindfulness might support me during this new chapter in my life. Whilst the MBCP course was not available here, in the UK when I was pregnant with my first daughter, I found the teachings of many mindfulness teachers including; Jon Kabat-Zinn, Myla Kabat-Zinn and Vidyamala Burch helpful in managing my anxieties, cope with birth and develop mindful parenting skills.

However, during my second pregnancy I was very fortunate that ‘Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond’, by Nancy Bardacke had just been published and this was exactly what I had been looking for!

I found out that I could train to teach Mindful Birthing and in 2014, I started my training to become an MBCP facilitator at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC). The OMC is a department within the School of Psychiatry at Oxford University and it is the only UK based provider for MBCP courses.

Dr Maret Dymond is leading the research on MBCP here in the UK and I am very privileged that she is my supervisor.

Mindful Birthing: About
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